What if you had a complete, easy-to-follow system for overcoming the feelings of burnout you deal with every day? 

Watch below to discover how instant access to this course will start you on that path immediately!

IMAGINE . . . 

Waking up feeling refreshed and energized every day.

Having a sense of personal control, instead of living at the mercy of the forces that beat you up and drag you down.

Having weekends completely to yourself.

Going on vacation without your company laptop.

Spending time with family and friends without worrying about what you’re missing.

Walking past your home office without stopping to check messages each time.

Going to sleep at night knowing that you’ve accomplished what you wanted rather than spinning your wheels.

“I’ve become so much more conscious of how I manage my energy because of this course. You’re right. All those unnecessary decisions can really impact your focus.” Randi Z.

Come away from this course with . . .

  • The tactics for managing and blocking the outside forces that sap your time, energy and focus.
  • Control over your time and the ability to pursue hobbies, sports and other opportunities.
  • The confidence and methods to delegate tasks and make that delegation stick.
  • The life balance that allows for more fun with your family, friends and colleagues.
  • The peace of mind of knowing that you have a plan for overcoming the fatigue that has dragged you down for so long.
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This course is taught by Bob Wendover, the award-winning author of Beating Burnout. Bob's practical approach is what makes this course so effective. He will help you get right to the heart of what's causing your burnout and teach you how to diagnose it. Then he will show you practical strategies, gleaned from the more than 3000 top thinkers he's interviewed. He'll show you why they don't suffer from burnout and neither should you!

“My biggest take-away so far? Center yourself in the morning. I struggled at first to leave the phone on my desk at night. But now it’s not the first thing I grab when I wake up. He’s right. FOMO's a real thing.”  Eileen W.

Helping People Beat Their Burnout Has Become Bob's Passion

"Over the past three years, the world has been turned upside down by the pandemic, shutdowns, inflation, and social chaos. Chances are, you’ve been asked to work longer hours, do more with less, and work from home while balancing family commitments and all the disruption they have been going through. You’re trying REALLY hard and still feel like you’re treading water. I have watched this happen and experienced a lot of it myself. After all, no one has been immune from what’s been going on.

"But here’s the thing . . . There are some people who have navigated all this a lot more effectively than others. They’re the ones who seem to have it all together, in spite of the chaos around them. They maintain balance, enjoy healthy relationships, and have the time and energy to enjoy life. "How? Because they have developed a set of strategies that enable them to do so. And that’s what you'll learn in this course. 

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"I don't have the time for this!"

You might be thinking.

Beating Burnout is self-paced and online.

 Work on it when you have the time.

Over the course of 11 short lessons, I will show you how the best thinkers manage the chaos around them, maintain their sanity and still accomplish what they need to do.

An end-to-end, turn-key, proven system for overcoming burnout and recapturing your time, energy, focus and balance.

Course Content . . .

  • The journey to recapturing your time, energy, and focus.
  • Burnout and the brain. Simple, but essential insights into how the brain creates feelings of burnout based on what we think, eat, and experience.
  • How to eliminate, delegate and automate decisions that sap your energy.
  • How those who beat burnout develop productive habits and replace those dragging them down.
  • How to effectively manage the demands to multitask in this crazy-busy world. (Spoiler alert: Multitasking is a major source of burnout.)
  • How the best thinkers deal with today’s pressure-filled world.
  • Simple strategies for managing social media, emails, texts. 
  • Strategies for managing the distractions around working with colleagues.
  • Practical tactics for simplifying what you do to recapture time and energy.
  • Strategies top thinkers use to slash the number of decisions they make and maintain balance at home and work.

Here's a sample of the practical strategies  you'll learn . . .


This course is for you if . . .

You’re FED UP with the same-old outcomes and feel like you’re spinning your wheels.

You know in your heart that you can improve your outcomes if you just get past the fear of trying.

You believe you deserve the success you see the best people around you sharing.

You realize there’s never going to be a perfect time to pursue success.

You’re curious and ready for a transformation.

You’re ready to throw your ALL into changing things for the better.

“This is a course I’ve actually found time to complete. I love the practical ideas that don’t require a bunch of time. You’re right, Bob. It’s all about the presence of mind to make adjustments when stuff happens.”   Linda A.
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You'll also receive NINE helpful bonuses!

  • Downloadable audio files – Take this course wherever you go. Load these sessions on your phone, on your tablet or whatever device you use. 
  • 30 Days of Inspirational Videos – To help you on your journey, I am including 30 inspirational daily videos that will begin when you have completed the 11 course videos.
  • Infographics – I have included infographics on a dozen of the strategies I recommend in the course, so you can keep them close and implement these ideas.
  • Participant’s Guide – This guide provides a complete outline of the course, so you can follow along and take notes.
  • ZOOM calls with Bob Wendover – Every Monday evening to ask questions, share ideas and connect with others.
  • Managing the Burnout Around You – If you supervise others struggling to overcome their own sense of overwhelm, this 18-minute mini-course is for you.
  • Learning from the Sources and Symptoms of Burnout – Ever wonder why we’re dealing with so much more burnout than in the past? In this 20 minute session, I drill down on how this came about.
  • Beating Burnout – It’s impossible to include all the strategies I have uncovered in this course. So I've included a digital copy of my book, Beating Burnout, so you can discover lots of others.
  • Figure It Out! – Making smart decisions is one of the keys to beating your burnout. So I have included my award-winning book on how to do so.
“I’m impressed with all the stuff that comes with the course. The infographics are a great help and I listen to the daily videos just to remind myself to get smarter about how to manage all the stress.” Taylor H.
“One of the things I love about this course are all the little ways you can reduce time and commitments by just not doing stuff you don’t really need to so. As he says, you just have to have the presence of mind to use them.” 
                                                                                                                 Erin K.

Make what you learn in this course a part of your day, without adding to your already busy life. 

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Answering Your Questions About This Course

“This course is just what I needed. Bob’s right. It’s just a matter of taking a hard look at the time and energy I waste doing stuff I shouldn’t and then stop doing that stuff. It’s a continuing effort, but I’m glad I’m doing it.”      Laurie B.


This investment is fully refundable within 15 days of your purchase. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the course, just contact us for a full refund.

“I’ve love Bob’s strategy of saying, ‘I’m sorry, I have another commitment.’ As a busy mom and manager, it’s gotten me out of a ton of things in the past couple of weeks!”  Aisha L.

Click the button and start beating your burnout instantly.

I am ready to get started for only $297!!!!